
Showing posts from April, 2018

Exercises For Flat Tummy

Crunches: 1.   Lie down flat on a mat with your knees bent and feet on the ground. Alternatively, you can also lift your legs off the floor at a 90-degree angle. 2.   Lift your hands and place them behind your head, or keep them crossed on your chest. 3.   Inhale deeply, and as you lift your upper torso off the floor, exhale. 4.   Inhale again as you get back down, and exhale as you come up. 5.   Do this for 10 times as a beginner. Bicycle crunch: 1.   Lie down with your back onto the floor. 2.   Bring your hands behind your head. Start with your legs bent at approximately 45 degrees angle. 3.   Bring the right knee into the chest while straightening out your left leg. At the same time, rotate your top half bringing your right elbow to your left knee, then switch to the other side. 4.   Repeat 3 times, 1 minute each. Rolling Plank Exercise: 1.   Lie on your stomach. 2.   Bend your elbows dire...

Tips To Protect Your Eyes From Digital Eye Strain

Wash your eyes with plenty of water: Wash your eyes on a regular basis as it facilitates cooling and relaxation of the eyes. Make it a routine to wash your eyes at least 4 to 5 times in a day. Get computer glasses: Use computer glasses to protect your eyes as they help in minimizing the effect of the radiation from the screen. If you work for long hours in front of the computer, then you should consider getting a pair of computer glasses. Do eye exercise: You should perform some eye exercises regularly to reduce the strain and to give relaxation to your eyes. Roll your eyes, start by looking up and then slowly circle 10 times clockwise and 10 times counterclockwise.. This helps your eye muscles to relax and improves your eye health. Blink more than usual: Blinking moistens your eyes and causes tear production which curbs dryness in your eyes. It also prevents eye irritation and helps in clearing out dirt from the eyes. The position of your screen: The screen shou...

Remedies to battle sinus

Take plenty of fluids: The body requires plenty of liquids to increase its moisture levels, so make sure you drink a lot of fluids go for nutrient-rich fruit juices. Just relax: Rest and relaxation is important. So, forget worrying and curl up in bed. Honey and lemon juice: Take a teaspoon of honey it is a natural antiseptic and the juice of half a lemon, a natural source of Vitamin C. Dissolve it in warm water and drink. Spice it up: Spicy foods such as mustard, hot peppers, curry and horseradish may help clear sinuses. If you like spice, consider adding some spices to your meals to open your nasal passages. Take a steam: Hot water vapor can help moisten the sinuses. Sprinkle a few drops of eucalyptus or menthol in the shower and steam up your bathroom. A hot, steamy shower or bath can also help to loosen up mucus and debris that is stuck inside your nose.

Try these ways to turn your negative thoughts into positive

Surround yourself with positive people: I called a friend who I knew could give me constructive yet loving feedback. When you're stuck in a negative spiral, talk to people who can put things into perspective and won’t feed your negative thinking. Help someone: Take the focus away from you and do something nice for another person. It took your mind off of things and felt better for helping someone else. Read positive quotes: Stick positive quotes on computer, fridge door, and mirror as reminders to stay positive. Get out for walk: Go for a walk or run, but get moving. Move outdoors and get some sun. Meditate or do yoga: One of the best thing is go to yoga class. It took your focus away from negative thoughts and brought attention to your breath. Yoga is also very relaxing, which helped ease mind. Yoga helped to stay present to your experience so instead of jumping to what could happen.

Things To Be Done Before Starting Physical Activity

About: Running is proven to be one of the most efficient forms of exercise. Running helps you in maintaining your body weight by cutting down that unwanted body fat, and helps in keeping you slim and trim. It also aids in improving your metabolism. Regular exercising will keep you energized, and increase your stamina. Be patient: We all know that nothing can change in a day. You won't notice any improvement on the first day itself. So, the best thing to do is work out every single day with dedication, and you'll notice the results in a month or so. Grab a small snack: If you're really not feeling a pre-workout snack, there's no need to force food down ahead of time, but don't ignore your body if you feel like you need some fuel. If there’s no food in, there’s no energy out. Be Hydrate: It is very essential to drink lots of water and keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. Drink some water after your run, as we tend to lose water and minerals ...

Give up these habits for good health

Drinking bottled water: Bottled water isn't that healthy. While we are in restaurant or   travelling, we reach out for the bottle of mineral water. It does not contain fluoride and deficiency of fluoride can cause tooth decay. Better you can drink water from a purifier. Drinking more water daily: Drinking more water when you are not thirsty, and excess intake of water can often result in obesity, bloating, skin and digestion problems. Brushing teeth after meal: when you brush your teeth after a meal, you are actually scrubbing away the weakened enamel. Why because after taking meal the food particles leave acid on our teeth that weakens the enamel. So, rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash. Having too many nutrition supplements: Most of us don't face any major nutritional deficiency, yet consume vitamin tablets which can pose serious health risks. Eat proper food to compensate for any deficiency.

Plants and flowers that boost your mood and make you happy

About: We all know that flowers and plants have the power to make people happy. They can delight you on a special occasion, cheer you up when you’re sad or make a dull, dreary room much more appealing. Lavender: Lavender flower can help you to decrease your anxious feelings through its sweet fragrance. But this flower is very expensive and not easily available, so you can use lavender perfumes and scented candles substitute. Rosemary: Rosemary be a symbol of positivity for interior designers. he sweet aroma of the rosemary needles can light up the feeling of positivity through enhancing your mood. Orchids: This flower can be helpful in improving the air quality. It can also reduce your stress level and make you feel good. This is the reason why Feng Shui practitioners love to use orchids for increasing positive energy in homes.  Peace lily: Peace lilies works as an organic air purifiers. It removes the moisture from the ai...

Improve Your Lung Capacity With These Remedies

About: Your respiratory system is constantly working. All day, every day, it is the vehicle for oxygen to enter your body. Unfortunately, it can also be an entry point for pollutants, irritants, dust, mold, fungus, harmful organisms, and other toxins. Inhale a Deep Breath: Deep breathing is one of the best ways to improve your breathing capacity. This is also one of the easiest methods. Also make sure to do yoga every day and be regular. Splash Water: Just splash some water on your face to increase the lung capacity. Do this while you are holding your breath. By sprinkling water on your face, it gives rise to bradycardia, or the moderating of the heart rate. Improve Your Indoor Air: With increased pollution, try to improve your indoor air by opting for indoor plants like peace lily, bamboo palm, aloevera and others which act as natural air purifiers. Also, avoid using harsh cleansers and aerosol sprays. Ensure your house has adequate ventilation. ...

Soothing Yoga Poses For Better Sleep

About: A basic, sitting posture, Vrishna is excellent for meditation. Although it is a wonderful pose to keep your knees mobile and healthy, but you should avoid sarcasm if you have knee or ankle injury. Uttanasana: Walk your feet to your hands. With feet hip-width apart and a slight bend in the knees, hold your elbows. Exhale and lengthen down through the crown of your head. To come up, release your arms, root through your feet, and slowly rise. Balasana: Sink your hips back to your heels and settle your chest between your thighs. Your big toes are touching one another and your knees are as far apart as they need to be to help you settle comfortably and be able to breathe deeply. With your forehead resting on the ground, walk your fingertips out on front of you, stretching through the arms. Virasana: Starting in a comfortable seated pose with your glutes resting on your heels with the tops of your feet on the floor, hero pose brings gentle stretching...

Weight Loss With Flax seeds

About: Flaxseeds are one of the most effective foods that help you lose extra kilos. Enriched with fiber, Omega 3 fatty acids and anti-oxidants, flaxseeds increase your body's efficiency to lose weight. These tiny brown seeds are packed with nutrients that aid weight loss by firing up your metabolism, reducing inflammation, and suppressing your appetite. Dietary Fiber: It is a type of carbohydrate that humans are unable to digest. There are two types of dietary fiber  soluble and insoluble. Flaxseeds are rich source of dietary fiber. Flaxseeds are loaded with mucilage gums (soluble fiber) and lignin and cellulose (insoluble fiber). The soluble fiber produces a gel-like substance which when encounters the digestive juices and water, slows down the food absorption in your colon and in turn, makes you feel fuller for a longer time. The insoluble fiber helps in promoting the good gut bacteria which aids digestive health and increases your metabolic rate. Proteins: ...

Women who are in thirties try these tips for weight loss

About: When women are in their thirties, they ought to be smart with diets and a workout. As when you age, there is a slight decrease in metabolism and your bones start to become fragile. Hence, you are required to take extra care of your body. Manage your stress: Stress can actually hamper your healthy lifestyle, which can eventually make you obese. If you experience stress, meditate or opt for those activities that help you relieve stress and anxiety. Exercise under guidance of expert: Even if you are regularly exercising, as you age you must work out under an expert supervision. Your trainer will not only help you in losing weight but would also instruct the right exercises that are beneficial for long-term fitness journey. Eat right food: By now you already know what suits your body. Eat the right foods and avoid binging. As it is always said, oily and junk food is harmful to your health, and when you are on a weight loss journey, they will never ...

Remedies For Back Pain

About: Back pain is common, with about nine out of ten adults experiencing it at some point in their life, and five out of ten working adults having it every year. Some estimate up to 95% of Americans will experience back pain at some point in their lifetime. It is the most common cause of chronic pain, and is a major contributor of missed work and disability. However, it is rare for back pain to be permanently disabling. Heating Pad: Heating pads can work wonders in relieving your back pain. Heat therapy is found to have analgesic effects on the affected muscles and can hence help in relieving muscle spasms and pain. Apply a heating pad on your back and leave it on for 25 to 30 minutes. Garlic:   Take a garlic cloves and make it fine paste, apply this paste to the affected area and cover it with a clean towel. Leave it up to 25 to 30 minutes and then wipe it off with a wet piece of cloth. Garlic contains components like selenium and capsaicin, which are known for ...

Simple mudras for strees releving

ABOUT: Yoga is an old discipline from India. It is both spiritual and physical. Yoga uses breathing techniques, exercise and meditation. It helps to improve health and happiness. A yogasan is a pose in which a man can sit. The intention of yogasan is to exercise the body and making it free of pains and problems. Yogi is a person who has mastered yoga or has achieved great success in yoga. Yogasanas are also called as Asan or Asanas. A Yogi can sit in any asan for a given time. Gyan Mudra: Gyan Mudra is a powerful mudra practiced for thousands of years by yogis that brings peace, calm, and spiritual progress. Connect the thumb and the forefinger. The other fingers are straight but relaxed. Pressure between the thumb and forefinger is light. Gyan Mudra does many things.   Stimulating the root chakra, it eases tension and depression.   It relates to expansion and knowledge.   It is extremely calming and brings the practitioner spiritual openness and ease i...

Ayurveda In Modern Lifestyle

About: Ayurveda is a system of medicine with historical roots in the Indian subcontinent. Globalized and modernized practices derived from Ayurveda traditions are a type of complementary or alternative medicine. In countries beyond India, Ayurveda therapies and practices have been integrated in general wellness applications and in some cases in medical use.   Reduces stress: Meditation, yoga, herbal treatments, and breathing exercises are some of the many techniques that can help reduce stress and anxiety. Weight Loss: While weight loss isn’t a main concern, Ayurvedic medicine promotes shedding excess weight by consuming a natural and healthy diet. With proper and suitable lifestyle advice, dietary restrictions and daily-activity management, Ayurveda solves problems that people normally seek to solve with allopathic drugs. Not only is it more effective, Ayurveda therapies and treatments have zero to negligible side effects Ayurveda and its many uses have since...

Positive Attitude For Good Health

About: It is your attitude toward others and the universe that determines the resulting attitude toward you. Have a positive, joyful attitude and you'll have positive, joyful results. Put out a bad, negative attitude and you've failed before you begin. Having a positive attitude is often cited as a major reason for individual success and overall business health. The benefits of having a positive attitude are nearly infinite in fact no one ever says having a positive attitude causes problems. Active Mind: Someone with a positive attitude has an active mind. They are always seeking to learn more about the world around them in addition to fulfilling their responsibilities. These are generally people who are well-read and even if they lack formal education, they’re curious and always finding stimulation in the world. Overcoming Obstacles: We all have difficulties in our lives and with negative attitudes the difficulties threaten to overwhelm people. In a...