Weight Loss With Flax seeds


Flaxseeds are one of the most effective foods that help you lose extra kilos. Enriched with fiber, Omega 3 fatty acids and anti-oxidants, flaxseeds increase your body's efficiency to lose weight. These tiny brown seeds are packed with nutrients that aid weight loss by firing up your metabolism, reducing inflammation, and suppressing your appetite.

Dietary Fiber:

It is a type of carbohydrate that humans are unable to digest. There are two types of dietary fiber  soluble and insoluble. Flaxseeds are rich source of dietary fiber. Flaxseeds are loaded with mucilage gums (soluble fiber) and lignin and cellulose (insoluble fiber). The soluble fiber produces a gel-like substance which when encounters the digestive juices and water, slows down the food absorption in your colon and in turn, makes you feel fuller for a longer time. The insoluble fiber helps in promoting the good gut bacteria which aids digestive health and increases your metabolic rate.


Flaxseeds are rich in proteins. So, when you consume a teaspoon of flaxseeds, along with dietary fiber, the protein content suppresses your appetite. This prevents you from overeating, thereby helping you in losing weight.


Antioxidants, which are also called lignans are abundant in flaxseeds. Though they don't have a direct link to weight loss, but they enhance the cell functioning as your body burns fat. Lignans also provide nutritional support and protects against free radicals.

How To Use

Ground flaxseeds are more effective when it comes to weight loss. Because the whole flaxseeds contain a cover that makes it difficult for the digestive system of humans to absorb all the nutrients present in them. On the other hand, ground flaxseeds are more easily absorbed by humans. And the more easily they are absorbed, the more the chances of you getting all the essential fats, proteins and dietary fiber present in them.

Quantity To Consume For Weight Loss?

Since flaxseeds are nutrient-rich, you don’t have to consume a lot. Health experts recommend one tablespoon of flaxseeds per day for weight loss and to improve overall health. The most trending weight loss supplements are flaxseed oil capsules.


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