Things You Should Never Do On An Empty Stomach


Foods are very much related to time and the physics of our body can agree with them only if they are taken for a certain period. For instance, there are some foods that are beneficial to us, but can actually work in a negative way, if taken at a wrong time.

Spicy food:

Eating spices and chilies on an empty stomach may irritate the stomach lining which can lead to acidic reactions and cramps. They are pungent in nature and can trigger indigestion.

Sugary foods:

Majority of us are under the impression that it is healthy to have a glass of fruit juice to start your day, it may not be the case. After long hours of rest with the stomach being empty, sugar in the form of fructose in fruits can cause an overload on your liver. Processed sugar is even worse, so avoid breakfast desserts or overly sweet smoothies.

Citrus Fruits:

Though citrus fruits like oranges, grape fruits, and lemons are high in vitamin C, fiber and antioxidants, they may irritate your stomach when taken first thing in the morning. The oesophagus lining of your stomach gets enlarged when there is no food to digest and taking these fruits can directly enlarge them even more, causing more friction to your stomach.

Carbonated Drinks:

Carbonated drinks are basically bad for health and imagine having them on an early morning. Nothing can be more troublesome for your stomach than having these carbonated drinks first thing in the morning. They up the risk of cancer and heart diseases and can also lead to many other complications. Strictly avoid them on an empty stomach.


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