Foods that help for skinny ones put on muscle mass
Fish, like salmon, is not only a great source of
high-quality protein, but also contains omega-3 fatty acids which help prevent
muscle breakdown and as a bonus, boosts heart health.
When the munchies strike and they always do almonds
are a great go to snack to kill them off while helping you reach your goals. A
¼ cup serving contains 8 grams of protein on average. Almonds are also an
excellent source of healthy fats and magnesium, which is important for energy
metabolism and also plays a role in protein synthesis.
Since 70 per cent of all cheese is fat, this makes
it a high-calorie food. Another advantage of cheese is that it has good taste
and can be added to a variety of dishes. Fat has 9 calories per gm which is
more than one gm of carb and one gm of protein taken together. Therefore,
including a small amount of cheese in your diet is a smart move if you want to
increase your caloric intake.
Forget the bland whites, whole eggs are one of the
best sources of muscle-fueling nutrition. They’re a clean source of protein
with 5-6 grams per egg and only 60 calories a pop on average. The type of
protein that exists in eggs in particular is considered to be more bio-available
to your body, meaning you’ll absorb the nutrients more effectively. Egg protein
is considered a complete protein, containing all the essential amino acids
necessary for muscle repair and growth.
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